USS Gryphon
Is a Meaningful Name
Lt. Ken
VanEseltine, USS Gryphon
The crew of Shuttle Argo
petitioned STARFLEET to become an Intrepid-class
ship of the fleet with three names. The name that STARFLEET approved was USS Gryphon. Do you know what a
gryphon is? Why was this name was chosen?
Gryphon: Word and Animal
If you look up the
word in the dictionary, you will eventually find an entry something like
- grif fin \'grif-
n\ n [ME griffon, fr. MF grifon, fr. grif, fr. L gryphus,
fr. Gk gryp-, gryps, fr. grypos curved; akin to
OE cradol cradle] : In Greek mythology, a creature with the
head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion: also spelled gryphon.
Also grif fon.
The spelling "gryphon" pays homage to the Greek
origin of the word for this fantastic animal, as Shuttle Argo
honored the Argo of Greek mythology's Jason and his heroic band,
the Argonauts, and their quest of the Golden Fleece.
The gryphon is a large,
powerful creature. It can take to the sky and soar with its strong and
mighty eagle wings. Sharp eyesight enables it to spot any potential
danger from far distances. The lion body provides muscular force with
supple grace to dispatch any foe it encounters.
This creature of the air
with its excellent sensory equipment, strong propulsion system, and
formidable defensive capability seems well suited as a base for a
spaceship's name.
Great Lakes History
The name of our
vessel, the USS Gryphon, also honors Le Griffon, the first
commercial vessel in the New World. René Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La
Salle, built Le Griffon during the summer of 1679 at the mouth of
Cayuga Creek, upstream from Niagara Falls on the Niagara River. The barque
had two square sails, a high poop, a gilded eagle with spread wings above
the quarterdeck, and a silhouetted gryphon springing from its prow. (The
gryphon was taken from the arms of Count Frontenac.) Le Griffon was
60 feet long with a 16-foot beam, 7-foot depth, and measured between 45
and 60 tons. It was armed with five small cannons.
August 7, 1679, Le Griffon and her crew of 34 set sail across Lake
Erie and up the Detroit river. They crossed Lake St. Clair on the day of
the festival of St. Claire (that is why they named it Lake St. Clair) and
pulled Le Griffon with towlines and aching backs through the St.
Clair flats. La Salle and his crew sailed up Lake Huron, through the
Straights of Mackinac, and across the top of the Lake of the Illinois
(which we know as Lake Michigan--some of their names did not stick),
arriving in Green Bay, Wisconsin, in early September.
A great quantity of furs
was quickly loaded aboard, and on September 18, Le Griffon's crew
fired a parting cannon shot as they sailed out to retrace their path
eastward to Lake Erie. Unfortunately, this is where this tale ends. The
small ship and her brave, pioneering crew were never seen again.
The crew of Shuttle
Argo chose this exciting new design for their new ship, the USS
Gryphon. Of course, the most famous Intrepid-class ship is the USS
Voyager. But there are other interesting parallels that make the Gryphon's
name appropriate.
The Intrepid class was developed in the latter half of
the 2300's as an exploratory cruiser for the frontier of Federation
territory, much as Le Griffon was on the frontier of the French
territory in the latter half of the 1600's. The ship is small (although
roughly twenty times the length of Le Griffon) with a 344-meter
length. It has a 141-meter beam, 94-meter depth, and a displacement of 1.5
million metric tons. The gryphon's eagle wings and Le Griffon's two
mainsails are echoed in the Intrepid-class's revolutionary new
drive system that feature two variable warp geometry warp nacelles. Le
Griffon's five cannons are echoed in the Intrepid-class's five
Type X phaser arrays (although the USS Gryphon also features four
Mk 80 photon torpedo launchers).
Some incidents
leading up to the name of the vessel were accidental and out of the
control of Shuttle Argo's crew. It is clear, however, that the USS
Gryphon bears a name that her crew can serve under with pride. So go
ahead, Gryphon. Spread your wings and sail the stars!
Thanks to Commander
Ray Pratt [Commanding Officer of the USS Gryphon at the time] and
his family and friends for scouring libraries for references on Le
Hauighurst, Walter.
The Long Ships Passing. Macmillan, 1975.
Kuttrurf, Karl. Ships of the Great Lakes: A Pictorial History.
Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1976.
Wallace, Chris. "The Intrepid Class Cruiser: A New Series of
Exploratory Cruisers", STARFLEET Communiqué, June/July 1995