In 2015, I had the pleasure of singing in quartet within a larger group for the Los Robles Master Chorale's tour of Ireland. What fun!
While on my temporary assignment in the Netherlands, I wangled an invitation to sing with Toonkunstkoor Breda, a group of about 50 members that practices in the lovely Ginneken district of the city. The rehearsals were conducted entirely in Dutch. Since the musical context was quite clear, this helped with my Dutch vocabulary. It's a nice group - and quite hospitable to a homesick American. Just before I returned to the US, the group performed a concert of Russian compositions, fortunately transliterated into the Latin alphabet.
We had lived in California during the late 1980's and early 1990's, where I'd sung with a parish choir in Walnut Creek. In 2003, prior to our move back to California, I contacted the Oaks Chamber Singers, a by-audition group in Newbury Park, near Thousand Oaks. Annette Murphy, the group's director, was kind enough to recommend finding a home in the mild Newbury Park climate, which we now enjoy. Not so coincidentally, this put me within easy walking range of OCS's rehearsals. In addition to roles in the occasional Gilbert & Sullivan operettas we perform, I've recently sung more solo work, including the Baritone duets and solos in Rutter's lovely Mass of the Children. Our repertoire ranges from Bach, Gabrielli, Vivaldi, Mozart, Boccharini, Billings, and Wm. Byrd to Brahms, Schubert, Villa-Lobos, Faure and Rutter. I left the group after six seasons, seeking the opportunity to perform more contemporary music.
I sang with the Village Voices Chorale (Westlake Village, California) for four years, developing my solo and ensemble performance skills (under the capable tutelage of Dana Rouse), culminating in the group's tour of France during the summer of 2011, during which I sang a number of the solos, including the lovely "The Lord is My Shepherd" setting from a BBC television series.
From 2011 through 2022, I sang with Los Robles Master Chorale, one of the most stimulating and challenging groups (for a performer) in the area. Unfortunately, the group didn't survive Covid (all the expenses, none of the concert revenue). With LRMC, I've performed in quartet within a larger group for the Los Robles Master Chorale's tour of Ireland, in a small ensemble at a Green Door concert with the Los Angeles Philharmonic in Disney Hall (check that bucket list item!), and as the Baritone soloist in a performance of Rutter's lovely Mass of the Children. We performed regularly with the San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra and the New West Symphony. Look up the group on YouTube ("LRMasterChorale") and on SoundCloud.
Since 2022, I've been singing with the Arete Symphonic Chorus, sponsored by California Lutheran University. This group has had some performances on its own, but the large ensemble (in which I'm one of 60 or so singers) is now regularlly performing with the New West Symphony, directed by the Grammy award-winning conductor Michael Christie.
Where does all of this come from? Ensemble performance is deeply fulfilling to me - the result is always better than that achievable by any one person, and it takes collaboration and balance to achieve the desired result. I cannot imagine a life without music and music performance. I've tried to instill this love of music in my kids; I'm delighted that they have both played string instruments, and appreciate a very broad range of musical styles.
My parents had me take piano lessons from the age of 5 onward, and by the time I graduated from high school, I had played woodwinds for band as well as in the pit for numerous theatrical productions at school, including "Hello, Dolly," "Mame," "Damn Yankees," and "Fiddler on the Roof." In college, I was the only Physics major taking courses from the Music curriculum, and continued my instrumental work, to a somewhat lesser extent, through grad school.
As a high school student, one Sunday morning after church, I visited the choir loft to compliment the director on the beautiful music they had just sung, and was drafted on the spot. While still in Chicago as a college student, I also became a member of the "Chicago Semi-Pro Musica", a tongue-in-cheek name for a serious madrigal and motet group that practiced in Rogers Park and performed wherever people didn't throw us out :-) In grad school, I also sang with a church choir in Upper Arlington, Ohio, near the Ohio State University campus.
Here's a partial list of the repertoire we've sung in these groups over the years:
Composer | Work Name | Group |
Althouse, Jay | Goin' to Bethlehem | Village Voices Chorale |
Arlen and Harburg | Wizard of Oz selections | Kalamazoo Singers |
Arlen and Mercer | Star Spangled Rhythm | Kalamazoo Singers |
That Old Black Magic (arr. Zegree) | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Bach, Johann Sebastian | Cold and Fugue Season (arr. Foncannon) | Village Voices Chorale |
Magnificat | Oaks Chamber Singers | |
Beach, Amy | Three Shaespeare Songs | Kalamazoo Singers |
Beethoven, Ludwig van | Choral Fantasia | Kalamazoo Singers with Ralf Gothoni, Piano Soloist, at the Gilmore Festival, and Village Voices Chorale (Baritone soloist), with the Thousand Oaks Philharmonic |
Symphony No. 9 "Choral" | Kalamazoo Singers, Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra Arete Symphonic Chorus, New West Symphony |
Berlin, Irving | Holiday Inn selections | Kalamazoo Singers |
Billings, William | Passion and Resurrection of Our Lord | Oaks Chamber Singers |
Bizet | Carmen (Opera) | Kalamazoo Singers, Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra |
Blane and Martin | Meet Me in St. Louis | Kalamazoo Singers |
Boulanger, Lili | Psaume 24 | Kalamazoo Singers |
Vieille Priere Bouddhique | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Brahms, Johannes | Liebeslieder Waltzes | Kalamazoo Singers |
The Son of God is Come to Earth | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Bricusse, Leslie | Scrooge selections | Kalamazoo Singers |
Britten, Benjamin | A Ceremony of Carols | Kalamazoo Singers, Gilmore Keyboard Festival |
The Company of Heaven | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Brown and Freed | Singin' in the Rain selections | Kalamazoo Singers |
Bruckner, Anton | Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence | Kalamazoo Singers |
Buxtehude, Dietrich | Magnificat | Kalamazoo Singers Oaks Chamber Singers |
Carter, Andrew | Beauty for Ashes (premier) | Kalamazoo Singers and members of the First Presbyterian Church Choir |
Cherubini, L | Veni, Jesu, Amor Mi | Oaks Chamber Singers |
Churchill and Morey | Snow White selections | Kalamazoo Singers |
Copland, A. | Four Motets | Kalamazoo Singers |
Old American Songs | Kalamazoo Singers | |
The Promise of Living (from The Tender Land) | Kalamazoo Singers, Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra | |
da Viadana, Lodovico Grossi | Exultate Justi In Domino | Kalamazoo Singers |
de Victoria, Tomas Luis | O Magnum Mysterium | Kalamazoo Singers |
Donaldson and Kahn | Makin' Whoopie | Kalamazoo Singers |
Dubois, Th. | Adoramus Te Christe | Oaks Chamber Singers |
Faure, Gabriel | Requiem | Kalamazoo Singers Oaks Chamber Singers |
Fields and Donovan | Two Weeks with Love | Kalamazoo Singers |
Foster, Stephen | Two Songs by Stephen Foster | Kalamazoo Singers |
Gabrieli, Giovanni | O Magnum Mysterium | Kalamazoo Singers |
Hodie Christus Natus Est | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Jubilate Deo | Oaks Chamber Singers | |
Gardner, John | Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day | Village Voices Chorale |
Gershwin, G& I | Love Walked In (arr. Zegree) | Kalamazoo Singers |
Gibbons, Orlando | This is the Record of John | Oaks Chamber Singers |
Gilbert& Sullivan | The Pirates of Penzance (soloist, The Pirate King) | Oaks Chamber Singers |
H.M.S. Pinafore (soloist, Captain Corchoran) | Oaks Chamber Singers | |
Handel, Georg Frederich | Hallelujah Chorus | Kalamazoo Singers |
Messiah (complete) | Kalamazoo Singers, Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra Los Robles Master Chorale Arete Symphonic Chorus, New West Symphony |
Haydn, Franz Josef | Abendlied zu Gott | Kalamazoo Singers |
Die Beredsamkeit | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Seven Last Words of Christ | Oaks Chamber Singers | |
Hassler, L | Cantate Domino | Oaks Chamber Singers |
Hogan, Moses | Elija Rock | Kalamazoo Singers |
Holst,Gustav | Wassail Song | Kalamazoo Singers |
In The Bleak Midwinter | Village Voices Chorale | |
Horner, Mann and Weil | An American Tail | Kalamazoo Singers |
Jarre and Webster | Dr. Zhivago selections | Kalamazoo Singers |
Kavid, Hoffman and Livingston | Cinderella | Kalamazoo Singers |
Kennedy, Sims and Kirkpatrick | Phenomenon | Kalamazoo Singers |
Lambert, Constant | On the Rio Grand, for Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra | Kalamazoo Singers with David Owen Norris, Piano Soloist, at the Gilmore Festival |
Lauridsen, Morten | Ave Maria | Kalamazoo Singers |
Dirait - On | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Lux Aeterna | Kalamazoo Singers | |
O, Magnum Mysterium | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Legrand and Bergman | Yentl Medley | Kalamazoo Singers |
Legrand and Gimbel | Umbrellas of Cherbourg | Kalamazoo Singers |
Leonarda, Isabella | Ave Regina Caelorum | Kalamazoo Singers |
Lerner and Loewe | Gigi Medley | Kalamazoo Singers |
Lloyd Webber, Andrew | Requiem | Kalamazoo Singers |
Loesser, Frank | Neptune's Daughter | Kalamazoo Singers |
Mendelssohn, Fannie | Gartenlieder | Kalamazoo Singers |
Mendelssohn, Felix | Auf Flugein Des Gesanges | Kalamazoo Singers |
Mendoza, Michael | Gloria A Dios(Baritone soloist) | Village Voices Chorale |
Menken and Ashman | Beauty and the Beast Medley | Kalamazoo Singers |
The Little Mermaid Medley | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Menken and Rice | Aladdin Medley | Kalamazoo Singers |
Menken and Schwartz | Hunchback of Notre Dame Medley | Kalamazoo Singers |
Menotti, G.C. | Amahal and the Night Visitors | Kalamazoo Singers |
The Consul | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Minstrel Song | The Yellow Rose of Texas | Kalamazoo Singers |
Monteverdi, Giuseppi | Magnificat from 1610 Vespers | Oaks Chamber Singers |
Morley, Thomas | Now Is The Month Of Maying | Oaks Chamber Singers |
Mozart, W. A. | The Magic Flute Selections | Kalamazoo Singers |
Ave Verum | Oaks Chamber Singers | |
Don Giovanni Selections | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Mass #14 in C (Coronation Mass) | Oaks Chamber Singers | |
Requiem | Kalamazoo Singers Los Robles Master Chorale Arete Symphonic Chorus, New West Symphony |
Vespers | Oaks Chamber Singers | |
Olatunji & Whalum | Betelehemu arr. Brooks) | Village Voices Chorale |
Orff, Carl | Catulli Carmina | Kalamazoo Singers |
Overstreet and Higgins | Designing Woman | Kalamazoo Singers |
Palestrina, G. P. de | O Bone Jesu | Oaks Chamber Singers |
Parchi, Chaim | Aleih Neiri arr Jacoson | Village Voices Chorale |
Parker, Alice | Carols to Sing and Play | Kalamazoo Singers |
I Will Sing and Give Praise | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Many in One | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Pergolesi, Giovanni | Magnificat | Kalamazoo Singers |
Pfautsch, Lloyd | What Sweeter Musick Can We Bring? | Kalamazoo Singers |
Plainsong | Hodie Christus Natus Est | Kalamazoo Singers |
Powell, Lois Jean | Requiem | Kalamazoo Singers |
Puccini, G. | La Boheme (Opera) | Kalamazoo Singers, Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra |
Madama Butterfly (Opera) | Kalamazoo Singers, Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra | |
Turandot (Opera) | Kalamazoo Singers, Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra | |
Raye and Prince | Buck Privates | Kalamazoo Singers |
Rickard, Jeffrey H. | Gloria | Kalamazoo Singers |
Rodgers and Hart | Love Me Tonight | Kalamazoo Singers |
Isn't It Romantic? (arr. Zegree) | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Rodgers, R. | Babes in Arms | Kalamazoo Singers |
Carousel Medley | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Oklahoma! Medley | Kalamazoo Singers | |
State Fair Medley | Kalamazoo Singers | |
The King and I Medley | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Two By Two | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Rosas and Webster | The Great Caruso | Kalamazoo Singers |
Rutter, John | Mass of the Children (Baritone soloist) | Oaks Chamber Singers, Los Robles Master Chorale |
Requiem | Kalamazoo Oratorio Society, Oaks Chamber Singers |
Brother Heinrich's Christmas | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Candlelight Carol | Village Voices Chorale | |
Four Carols | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Magnificat | Kalamazoo Singers | |
The Wind In The Willows | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Scarlatti, Allesandro | O Magnum Mysterium | Kalamazoo Singers |
Schubert, Franz | Mass in G | Oaks Chamber Singers |
Shaw, Robert | How Far is it to Bethlehem? | Kalamazoo Singers |
Sherman and Sherman | Mary Poppins Medley | Kalamazoo Singers |
Sweelinck, Jan P. | Hodie Christus Natus Est | Kalamazoo Singers |
Terry, R. R. | Myn Lyking | Village Voices Chorale |
Traditional | Baile de Gaita | Kalamazoo Singers |
African Noel | Village Voices Chorale | |
Deck the Halls | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Four Christmas Carols | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Gaudete from Piae Cantiones, 1582 arr. Hawley Ades | Village Voices Chorale |
Three French Folk Songs | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Two German Folk Songs | Kalamazoo Singers | |
Traditional American | Skip to My Lou | Kalamazoo Singers |
Traditional Irish | Hinbarra Over the Sea to Skye (arr. Daniel J. Hall) |
Los Robles Master Chorale (Quartet) Oaks Chamber Singers |
The Fields of Athenry | Oaks Chamber Singers | |
Isle of Innisfee | Oaks Chamber Singers | |
Star of the County Down(Baritone Soloist) | Oaks Chamber Singers | |
O Danny Boy(Baritone Soloist) | Oaks Chamber Singers | |
Traditional Spanish | Pues Si Vivimos | Kalamazoo Singers |
Traditional Scottish | Will Ye Go, Lassie Go (arr. Tillinghast) | Oaks Chamber Singers |
Loch Lomond(Baritone Soloist) | Oaks Chamber Singers | |
Annie Laurie | Oaks Chamber Singers | |
Trenet, Charles | Diner | Kalamazoo Singers |
Vaughan Williams | A Song of Thanksgiving | Kalamazoo Singers |
Verdi, Giuseppi | Requiem | Kalamazoo Singers, Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra |
Villa-Lobos, Heitor | Cantilana Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5 | Oaks Chamber Singers |
von Bingen, Hildegard | In Evangelium | Kalamazoo Singers |
Wagner, Richard | Pilgrim's Chorus from Tannhauser | Kalamazoo Singers, Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra |
Walker, Gwyneth | I Will Be Earth | Kalamazoo Singers |
Warren and Gordon | Chattanooga Choo Choo | Kalamazoo Singers |
Washington and Harline | Pinocchio Medley | Kalamazoo Singers |
Welch Song | All Through The Night | Kalamazoo Singers |
Willan, Healey | Hodie Christus Natus Est | Kalamazoo Singers |
Williams, John | Star Wars - Duel of the Fates | Kalamazoo Singers (R2D2 Wrangler) |
Last Updated February 02, 2024