I'm priviledged to have completed my tenure as the chair of the Buenaventura Chapter of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. As a result of the wonderful leadership from Deron Johnson (Section Chair), Doug Askegard (past Regional Director) and Nathalie Gosset (past Section Chair), the hard work of our officers and student colleagues, the chapter was selected as 2008 Chapter of the Year. I'm also priviledged to have completed my positions of chair of the Buenaventura Section of the IEEE, and the EMBS Advisory Committee, 2009-2011.
Doug and Nathalie are inspriational leaders, attracting and retaining members, attendees and officers. They increased the frequency and reach of Senior Member Elevation events, which provide strong incentive for people to establish contact and participate in local chapters. They have instilled very pleasant environments for the chapters, including networking opportunities, pre-meeting meals, etc. Nathalie has been recognized for her great work at the 2007 EMBS conference in Lyon, France.
Last Updated February 02, 2024