General Technics



While in college in Chicago, I helped form General Technics, a technology-oriented science fiction group (or was that a science fiction-oriented technology group?), with friends Jeff Duntemann, Jim Fuerstenberg, Tullio Proni, and many other members of midwestern university science-fiction clubs.  We originally coalesced around blinkies, robots, and the beginnings of personal computing, and have extended our grasp to high-altitude rocketry, high voltage, and raising kids.  John Brunner, the author of "Stand on Zanzibar," the science fiction novel in which the General Technics corporation appears, graciously permitted us to use the name of his fictitious company.

GT has flourished in the intervening years, combining with a similar group from Michigan Technological University, and attracting members from all over the world.  GT remains loosely organized.  If you consider yourself to be "in" GT, you are!  General Technics members are:

  • astronomers
  • attorneys
  • authors
  • biochemists
  • bookkeepers
  • cartographers
  • computer scientists
  • cryptographers
  • engineers
  • entrepeneurs
  • geographers
  • homemakers
  • information scientists
  • librarians
  • linguists
  • oceanographers
  • open source evangelists
  • physicians
  • physicists
  • psychologists
  • pyrotechnicians
  • race car drivers
  • students
  • veterinarians

In our own small way, GT members have made an impact on the world:  

GT folks see one another on a regular basis, and keep in continual communication via a numer of lively on-line discussion groups.  At our get-togethers, we often gather to admire the projects that we build, as individuals or groups.  We try to convey a "sense of wonder" to our kids and friends, and hope that they, too, appreciate our efforts.

Among other pursuits, GT members are active participants in Critter Crunch competitions, where we combine engineering design and hands-on skills to smash lovingly-constructed critters to smithereens!

Last Updated February 02, 2024

